Sunday, November 23, 2008
Library Moment of the Week
Movie: Quantum of Solace
With that little disclaimer, this movie delivered all the classic Bond elements. Violence, chase scenes, unbelievable escapes, blatant chauvinism…you know…the usual good stuff. I really like Daniel Craig’s Bond…and I was a fan of Pierce Bronson (up until the Mama Mia! fiasco which I don’t even like to think about)….but Craig is a lot darker and right or wrong…I like it better….go ahead and judge me ☺
Monday, November 17, 2008
Book Review: The Whiskey Rebels
There are two things I love about David Liss’s novels. I always fall a little in love with his heroes and their shady backgrounds, cavalier attitudes, and their snarky comments. I also find it fascinating how he can take current financial concerns and show them in the context of earlier times…demonstrating that history does, in fact, repeat itself.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Book Review: The Hero of Ages
THE HERO OF AGES: Brandon Sanderson: Tom Doherty Associates: Fantasy: 572 pgs.
‘The Hero of Ages’ is the third and final installment of Brandon Sanderson’s ‘Mistborn’ trilogy. It seems that many trilogies start off really strong, with the second book seeming to be just a tool to get from here to there, and finally the third book can either bring it all together or leave you disappointed. I totally did not feel that with this trilogy. Each of the three portions continue the story in an interesting and gripping way.
Sanderson has created an intriguing world filled with vibrant and relatable characters. I will admit that at times I skim sections of theoretical musing, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it and whole heartedly recommend the series to anyone who enjoys fantasy.